The Mulberry Tree

I am fascinated by the mulberry tree. As I went for a jog this morning, I was reminded of a phenomenon that I have always found interesting. When Susan and I lived in Canyon, we had a mulberry tree in our in our front yard and one in our back yard. All the leaves would be on the tree one day and they would all be on the ground the next day…literally, all of them. Today is that day. All of the mulberry trees in our neighborhood are shedding all of the leaves today. By the end of the day there will be few remaining leaves on any of the mulberry trees in Amarillo. (And, by the way, mulberry trees have an insane amount of leaves that all of a sudden you have to rake all at once!)


I don’t know of any other tree like this. In our yard now, we have two oak trees and a locust tree (thankfully a beanless one). Each of those trees shed their leaves over a period of time. The leaves slowly turn colors and a few leaves fall each day. Not so with the mulberry. It just gets rid of all of them at once.

As I was jogging this morning, the gentle falling of the mulberry leaves reminded me of the incredible creation of God. Why does the mulberry tree lose all of its leaves in one day while the oak tree sheds its leaves over a period of time? And why do some trees not lose their leaves (or needles) at all?

It doesn’t matter. It’s just a curiosity. What is important is that God created an amazing universe. No two things are identical. All of God’s creation reacts in different ways to the changing of the seasons, to the day and the night, to the cold and the heat. God, in His infinite wisdom, created a vast world with so many variations of beauty and intrigue. To witness the complexity of life and the intricacies woven into our world makes me know that I serve a mighty Creator. I am so thankful to know and have a relationship with Almighty God. I am so privileged to know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a Father that loves me. If our Creator took such care in designing the changing of the seasons and the ways in which nature reacts to those changes, how much more must He care for me as one who is made in His image.

So, if you are blessed to have a mulberry tree in your yard and it has joined the ranks of the falling leaves, may it be a small reminder of the awesomeness of God’s creation. Now, do try to keep that in mind as you go through multiple boxes of yard bags and hours of your day raking up all those leaves…or perhaps it’s time to invest in a leaf blower!

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth….Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!” (Genesis 1:1, 31 NLT)

Settled In

It’s been over a month since my last post.  Susan and I are finally getting settled in.  Almost all of the boxes are out of the house and some of the pictures are even on the wall.  We won’t talk about the garage.  Our move back to Amarillo has been a tremendous process.  I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the elders of the Church of Christ at the Colonies for giving me a wonderful opportunity to work with the young families here and to also thank them for providing our family with a moving company.  What a blessing that was.

Last Friday, we had a get together for the young families here and we had a great turnout.  Several families came and we had a wonderful time of fellowship.  In March I will begin my first Bible class entitled “The Passenger Seat.”  We will look at what God’s purpose is for our lives and how we are to manage families and God in today’s fast-paced society. 

God has truly blessed our transition and I know that he will guide us as we continue to work in the Kingdom here in Amarillo.  May he also bless the work that is happening at West Freeway in Fort Worth.  The church has already been blessed by Britt Farmer and his family.  My prayers will always be with the church there.  We love and miss you.

May your 2012 be blessed and more importantly, may you continue in God’s service; reading the Word, serving the world and encouraging the weak. 


I expected the day to be miserably hot.  It was the middle of the summer and I had a big job ahead of me.  It had already been an incredibly busy week…month…several months.  All the boxes were packed and it was time to load the U-Haul.  My family, for the first time, was making a major move.  We had made the decision for me to accept the position as Worship Minister at West Freeway Church of Christ, in Fort Worth, TX.  We made a conscious decision to leave all of our friends and everything we had known for the past 12 or so years.  We made a conscious decision for me to change careers and for Susan to become a stay-at-home mom.

On July 11, 2008 (the day after our son’s 1st birthday party surrounded by moving boxes), the skies were overcast and there was a drizzle in the air…much more comfortable for hard work than I was anticipating.  We got the U-Haul loaded and left the next morning to begin the newest phase of our life.

Over the last three years, my family has gained a beautiful little girl, lost a great dog and gained many, many friends (many of whom are more like family than friends).  We have rejoiced over many new births (both physical and spiritual) and we have wept over illnesses and deaths.  We have loved and we have been loved.  To count the ways in which we have been blessed is an impossible task, as is attempting to say thank you for each kindness shown to us over the past few years. 

I believe that God put us in this place for very specific reasons…some of which we may not realize for many years.  I know that I have grown in maturity and wisdom because of my experiences and relationships.  I know that my family is stronger because of the love that has been shown to us over the past three years.

Sunday (Dec. 25th) is my last day here at West Freeway and I will begin my work as Young Families Minister at The Church of Christ at The Colonies on January 1, 2012.  I believe that I could not effectively minister at The Colonies had I not first worked with the wonderful people of West Freeway.  Susan and I will be forever grateful for our time here.  We love you all.  Please continue to pray for us as we return to the place we like to call home.  We will likewise, continue to pray for you and for the work that you do for the kingdom of God. 

Come see us anytime and we will certainly be back to visit when time allows.

(I will continue to write my weekly blog.) 

Peace on Earth

Christmas.  It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Well, at least in my opinion and according to a popular Christmas song.  It’s a season of joy.  It’s a season of gatherings.  It’s a season of “peace.”  Another popular Christmas song boasts, “Peace on the earth, good will to men, from heaven’s all gracious King.”

Most people long for peace on Earth, and many also believe that Christ came to the earth to bring peace.  However, Jesus himself said something completely different.  He said, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed!  Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.  From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.  They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (Luke 12:49-53 NIV)

The peace that Jesus brought is not peace in the sense that there will be no more bickering or fighting; no hatred or disdain.  The peace that Jesus brought is a personal, internal, heartfelt peace…the peace of knowing that your soul is in the arms of the Savior.

The awesomeness of Christ is not in His birth.  Please understand that I’m not negating His miraculous birth and its importance.  In fact, I believe that it is wonderful to celebrate His birth because without his willingness to be born of a virgin, He could not have brought about salvation.  Yet, the awesomeness if Christ is His death, burial and resurrection.  A sinless life was sacrificed for our lowly sakes.  Paul said, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:1-3 NIV)

Indeed, Christ brought peace to this earth, but it is not the peace of all men getting along.  The peace that Christ brought is the peace of knowing that He is coming again and that He is taking His faithful home to live with Him in Glory.

Peace, perfect, peace,
In this dark world of sin:
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

Peace, perfect peace,
By thronging duties pressed:
To do the will of Jesus this is rest.

Peace, perfect peace,
With sorrows surging round:
On Jesus’ bosom naught but calm is found.

It is enough:
Earth’s struggles soon shall cease,
And Jesus call us to heavens perfect peace.

May you know the peace of Christ.  May you be filled with the hope of everlasting life.  May you have true joy that supplies contentment.  May you know the Christ.

Merry Christmas!

Blue Skies & Rainbows

Today is the first time in several days that I have seen a blue sky.  There is not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining brightly.  It is a beautiful, albeit cold, day.  While I am very thankful for the rain that God brought this past weekend, and while I will continue to pray for rain, it is wonderful to see the bright blue sky again.

The beauty of this morning got me to thinking about a song that I have sung for many years.

Blue skies and rainbows
And sunbeams from heaven,
Are what I can see
When my Lord is living in me.

I know that Jesus is well and alive today
He makes His home in my heart.
Nevermore will I be alone since He
Promised me that He never would part.

Studies show that moods and attitudes of people can be affected by variations in the weather.  Cloudy days tend to bring about lethargy, pessimism and sadness while sunny days tend to create more energy, optimism and happiness.

Although changes in weather can produce different emotions, when Christ lives in your heart, He provides a joy that cannot be suppressed by a cloudy day.  He brings a contentment that cannot be achieved by a worldly measure of success.  Christ provides a hope that cannot fade or diminish because it is a hope that promises a glorious life that will follow this one; a life that is free from pain, anguish and grief.  To those who allow Christ to dwell in their hearts, He has given the knowledge of the magnificent riches that await us in heaven.

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade — kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.  (1 Peter 1:3-9 NIV)

Anyone can recognize the beauty of a sunny day or a day when dreams are fulfilled.  Only a child of God can realize the joy of the promise of everlasting life!  May each of your days be filled with the sun shining down on you through the love and grace of Christ Jesus!

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Waiting and Worrying

Teach me Lord to wait
Down on my knees
‘Til in your own good time
You answer my pleas
Teach me not to rely
On what others do
But to wait in prayer
For an answer from you.

They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as an eagle
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint
Teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait.

Teach me Lord to wait
While hearts are aflame
Help me humble my pride
And call on your name
Keep my faith renewed
Keep my eyes on Thee
Let me be on this earth
What you want me to be.

They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as an eagle
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint
Teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait.

Patience is not one of my strong suits.  I like everything to happen in my time and in the way I think it ought to occur.  It’s funny how God doesn’t work that way.  Instead, God’s timing is perfect.  He has a plan and He carries out that plan in the way in which it works best.  I was reminded of this just yesterday.

My family is preparing to move to Amarillo at the first of the year.  We put our house on the market with a realtor on October 27th.  Since that time, there have only been three showings.  I have prayed every day that the right buyer would come along so that I would not have to worry about our house.  (What makes it harder is that our previous home sold to the first person that looked at it after only being on the market for five days…that spoiled us a bit.)  After who knows how many times I have prayed about this, we received an offer on our house.  It’s not a perfect offer and it is still in negotiation. I’m not sure what the end result will be of this offer; what I do know is that God is present and working in our life.

I spend so much time worrying about the future, about finances, about the church, about the generalities of life.  It’s important to remember that it is God who makes the world spin and He is in ultimate control of our life (if we allow him to be).  When we put our trust in the Lord, things work out.  It might not always be exactly the way we pictured it or the end result we expected, but it always works out. 

Jesus said,

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:25-34 NIV)

When you truly turn your struggles and worries over to God, the burden of them is lifted from your shoulders.  I don’t know what God’s ultimate plan is for our house, but I do know that it is in His hands.  He is powerful enough to take care of our burdens and to remove our stresses.  I choose to wait on the Lord and to give Him my worries.

The Joy of Gratitude

I don’t know about you, but I find it much easier to see the glass as half empty rather than half full.  I don’t like that about myself.  At the same time, I think that our society overall has a pessimistic outlook on life…although that is no excuse. 

There are always things that can be different; always something that needs to be changed.  The key is to be grateful for what we have.  Although the world tells us that we won’t be happy until we have all the best toys and the largest home to put them in, the truth is that along with gratitude comes contentment. 

It could be that you are pushing a broom on the graveyard shift.  Isn’t it a blessing that you have a job that allows you to provide for your family!  Maybe your car is ten years old and there’s a great new body style on the new model.  On the other hand, your car is paid for and it doesn’t burn a drop of oil.

Michael Hyatt’s latest blog stated,

“Someone once wisely told me, ‘You won’t get what you don’t have until you learn to be grateful for what you do have.’ I think that is so true. We so often focus on our lack–what’s missing.

For example, we complain about our lack of a vibrant, real relationship with God. We wish our church were bigger–or smaller. We wish we had a spouse. Or perhaps we wish we didn’t have a spouse. Or maybe we want to change our spouse.

Or we wish we could get a different job, a different boss, or a bigger paycheck. We wish we had more interesting work, more sensitive coworkers, or different hours.

We wish we could live in a different city, a different part of the city, or a different house. We complain about our furniture, our car, and all our other stuff.

To state the obvious, this is not healthy. And do we really think this complaining spirit will lead to better relationships or more abundance?”

The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:12-13 NIV)

Whether we are in a time of plenty or a time of need, God has blessed us with life and with hope through Christ Jesus.  There are times in life when it is hard to see the positive.  There are also times in life where positive is all around us and yet we cannot look past our own selfish desires and recognize the abundance that God has prospered us. 

I would like to challenge you to take a moment and write down twenty items that you are thankful for right now.  Here’s my list (although it’s not close to exhaustive):

  1. Christ’s sacrifice for me and the relationship He has offered to me
  2. God’s Word and the hope that it brings to all humanity
  3. My children and their wonderful curiosity and overabounding love
  4. Susan’s love for me and our kids
  5. My parents and the good relationship that we share
  6. A nice home
  7. Plenty of clothing
  8. Many friends who support me and laugh and cry with me
  9. Reliable transportation
  10. Music
  11. Beauty of creation
  12. A job that provides for my family
  13. My church family for always loving and supporting me
  14. Cooler weather
  15. New opportunity in Amarillo that begins in January
  16. Delicious food
  17. Chocolate
  18. My iPhone – it’s a lot of fun and it provides tremendous convenience
  19. The Benevolence Center and all of the wonderful people who give their time to help those who are less fortunate
  20. Technology and all of the conveniences it provides
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The Gift of the Senses

Last weekend, Susan and I had the privilege of enjoying the Fort Worth Symphony perform two works by Mozart as well as two works by Salieri (a contemporary of Mozart). As I sat listening to the music and watching the synchronization of the strings, I began thinking of the incredible blessings God has given each of us: our senses; specifically our senses of hearing and seeing. These, as well as the other three senses, are far too often taken for granted. Every day, we go through our lives hearing and seeing, tasting and touching, smelling and…well, there’s not another one. It’s just part of our lives. Rarely do we stop to think of the wonderful gifts that we have received.

There are several occasions in the Gospels where Jesus heals those who are blind, deaf, mute or lame. Mark 7:31-37 tells the story of Jesus healing a deaf mute. John 9:1-7 recalls the instance of Jesus telling a man who had been blind since birth to wash in the Pool of Siloam after making a mud pack for his eyes. Yet another example is Jesus’ healing of the paralytic in Matthew 9:2-7. In each of these examples, as well as many others, the healed went away rejoicing. They had been given a gift that they had not previously known.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to see or hear for the very first time? Think about being 30 or 40 years old and having never witnessed a sunrise or heard the cry of a newborn baby. How great would your joy be to be given those opportunities after so many years without?

Each of us is blessed in unfathomable ways. While there are some who do not enjoy the pleasure of all five senses, or perhaps they don’t have the full capacity of one or more of those senses, all of us are fortunate to possess the faculties that we do have. It’s so easy to forget that the little things like seeing and hearing are actually great big things. If we were without our senses, we would feel lost.

We serve a mighty God and it is evidenced in so many ways. The next time you hear a symphony orchestra or a bird singing in the trees, thank God for that gift. The next time you see a rainbow in the sky or the stars sparkling at night, thank God for that gift. Not only have we been given the gifts of hearing and seeing, but God has also given us His creation of beautiful sounds and scenes.

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The Heart of Worship

There comes a point when you have to ask yourself, “Why do I come to this place?”  Exactly what is the purpose of going to church?  I have a duty to glorify God.  I was raised going to church and that is what I do on Sunday mornings.  If I miss a Sunday, I might not be allowed into heaven.  My friends will look down on me if they don’t see me at church.  I partied really hard last night so I had better go “punch in” at church.  My spouse makes me go.  I need help paying rent this month so I need to go to church so they will help me out.  I could go on and on, but you get my point.  If any of those reasons ever cross your mind when getting ready to “go to church,” then the result will probably look something like this:

Church buildings all across the world are filled with people who expect to get something out of worship.  They are looking for the most exciting, entertaining, enticing worship service possible.  They are looking for what they can get out of worship.  Often times, church goers are even looking for what they are doing “right” in comparison to what others are doing wrong.  Sunday mornings can easily become a popularity contest, judge’s stand, ego booster, people pleaser, or show-and-tell.

There are people all over the world who are outwardly praising and glorifying God and Christ, while on the inside are completely disconnected.  They are thinking about the movie they watched the night before, the football game that will be on that afternoon, the bad telephone conversation they had with their mother, the ugly tie the preacher is wearing, how many times the prayer leader said “Father,” what’s for lunch, and so many countless other things that separate us from truly honoring God as Supreme Creator.

“These people come near to me with their mouth
and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me
is made up only of rules taught by men.” (Isaiah 29:13 NIV)

True worship involves bringing your heart before God.  There is no formula for what that should look like.  There are times that are hearts are filled with joy for the amazing gift that we have been given.  There are other times when our hearts are full of sorrow because we feel far from God or perhaps our hearts are filled with bitterness and resentment because we feel that we have been wronged by life’s circumstances.  God’s desire is for His people to worship Him with our hearts opened wide; to set aside the mundane things of this world and to draw our thoughts toward Him.  Honoring God with our heart is a far different thing than the lip service that He so often receives.

It’s time to take away all of the things that are barriers between our hearts and God.  It’s time to release our emotions to be filled with His goodness.  May we come before the throne of God with reverence and awe; praising Him for His majesty.  May we remove the trite things from our minds and offer Him our very being.  May we worship God the Father with sincerity and absence of self.

When the music fades
And all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that’s of worth
That will bless your heart

I’ll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the ways things appear
You’re looking into my heart

I’m coming back to the heart of worship
And it’s all about You
All about You, Jesus
I’m sorry Lord for the thing I’ve made it
When it’s all about You
It’s all about You Jesus

-Matt Redman

The Power of Prayer

My mom lives in Lamesa, TX, and drives back and forth each day to teach at Midland Christian School, which is about a 120 mile daily round trip.  She has been doing this for nine years.  Over the years, the traffic on that little two lane road has become increasingly worse.  I worry about her daily and pray for her safety.  On Wednesday, after she had already gotten onto the Midland loop (which means she was already past the most dangerous part of the commute), she was involved in a wreck in which the car was towed and probably totaled but the airbags didn’t deploy and she walked away.

The most amazing part of this experience was the daily prayer email that had been sent out to teachers and parents that morning:

Prayer for our Staff
Pray this prayer over our MCS Fourth Grade Teachers today:

Christ Jesus, thank You for using ___________ (teacher’s name) at MCS each day to equip Your ‘little’ people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up.

Laura Curry
Judi Fisher
Rhonda Hackett (especially as she travels back and forth to school each day from Lamesa)
Cathie Lanham
Mendy Michel
Ruth Sheppard

The story became even more spectacular when my mom told me that that email had actually been written last Saturday but was not sent until the day of the accident.

James tells us that, “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV)  I have always known that God answers prayers and I have seen it evidenced time and time again.  But this week, it was driven home one more time.  Our direct line to the Father is firm and established.  When we seek God with honesty and purity, He provides for us in ways that are beyond measure.  I am so very thankful that my mom was uninjured in her accident this week and our whole family is entirely blessed that there are so many people who love her enough to pray daily for her safety.

May you seek God’s guidance in all you do and may your life be blessed through the riches that He gives to you because of your faithfulness to Him.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matt 7:7-8 NIV)